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How to Kill Yourself Painlessly

How to Kill Yourself Painlessly
You must be in a lot of pain right now. If you are asking how to kill yourself painlessly, you are living with more emotional pain than most people can imagine. The people around you may not even be able to tell you are suffering.

It is heartbreaking to me that you are feeling this much pain. I can identify with you. Emotional pain is much harder to cope with than physical pain.

Are you tired of feeling this much emotional pain? Do you want relief and answers? Perhaps you just want some way to make things better. But you are wondering… “why me?” “How does everyone else handle these things?” “Why is it that no one else understands?”

Do you realize that you’re a strong person? You have already proven that you are stronger than you think you are. Just by living with the emotional pain, you have already proven you can survive. So, instead of looking for a painless way to kill yourself, how about if we look at this a different way?

How to Kill Yourself Painlessly
If you’re looking for how to kill yourself painlessly, wouldn’t you like another alternative other than suicide? There is another option and it is probably one you have considered before, but gave up on long ago. It probably didn’t quite make sense, or was too difficult to figure out.

  • You are strong. Think about it for a minute. You are stronger than a lot of other people. You are tired of the pain, but you are hoping there is another option. Killing yourself is the last resort; you know that. You are strong enough to realize that there if is one more option before that suicide, it is worth checking out.

  • There is a purpose for your pain. Doctors will tell you pain is an indicator that something is wrong. I know, that sounds obvious, but think about it for a minute. Your bodies are designed to give us a warning, letting us know when something is wrong. Our emotional pain is also a sign that something is wrong. But, it is also an indication that there a way to make things right.

    If God gave us a warning system then there must be a reason. You didn’t always feel pain. God didn’t intend us to be severe emotional pain. God intended us to live without that pain. So why are you in pain? Have you identified the reason for your pain?

    You are in pain because something went wrong or differently than you expected. God cares. The Bible tells us God loves us very much. That means God loves you. The Bible also tells us God hurts when we hurt. He never intended you to hurt this way.

  • God wants to help you. He does not want you to suffer. That does not mean He will instantly take away your pain. You were right when you asked yourself “Why am I suffering this way?” God has that answer. God wants you to heal. He wants you to get well. Cry out to Him.

How to Kill Yourself Painlessly
If you want to invite Jesus to be a part of your life, this is a good time. Help is a close as a prayer. Jesus gave up His life on the cross so you could be a part of His family. He cares about you and wants to see you healed from your pain. Why not ask Jesus into your life, and ask God to reveal to you the purpose for what you are going through? Cry out to Him today.

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What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

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