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Post Abortion Stress Syndrome

QUESTION: Post abortion stress syndrome - Will it go away?


Post abortion stress syndrome is real. Sadly, many in the medical profession are terrified of political backlash, thus they are unwilling to study the issue. However, there is a growing number of women who have had an abortion and they are sharing their testimonies.

From these testimonies, we have found a plethora of reactions. Many women are fine with the decision they made; others deeply regret their abortion. Hearing various abortion testimonies would lead one to conclude that this experience is unique to the woman experiencing it. The healing process for those who suffer from post abortion stress syndrome is also unique to each woman.

The healing process for post-abortion stress syndrome can be accelerated by many elements:
  • Understanding the condition
  • Recognizing the effects of this syndrome
  • Repairing ruined relationships, including the bond with the child
  • Restoring your relationship with God.
Restoring your relationship with God is the easiest relationship to restore. This is because of His immeasurable grace. God is aware of post abortion stress syndrome; He, too is wounded when one of His children have their life taken away or when a child of His is in pain because of their past. God has cancelled the burden of sin and will forgive you for your past!

Restoration from post abortion stress syndrome is hardly out of God's power. He is especially interested in restoring us to wholeness. God has opted to forgive us all for our pasts for reasons that are beyond our comprehension. Forgiveness is God's free gift; but, on our end, we must first ask for forgiveness. This is the first and only step to our healing with God. The grace provided by Jesus, God's Son, can bring about emotional healing. Isaiah certainly knew about Jesus' grace when he prophesied 700 years before the time of Jesus: "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5).

Post abortion stress syndrome may vary from woman to woman, but God is absolute! He has never and will never change! The medical community may shy away from studying the issue, but God has not. He will apply His grace to everyone who searches for it. Jesus wasn't exaggerating or using metaphor when He said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).

Learn More About Post Abortion Syndrome.

What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

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